You may have seen over the last few days reports of MySpace username and password combinations for sale on hacker spaces. MySpace was breached, and a possible 360 million accounts with 427 million passwords could have been stolen. Yes, MySpace has long since been dominated by almost all other social networks that you can think of today. So who cares? You should. The first topic applies directly to the user - password reuse. We have talked about this numerous times in previous blogs, and the point still stands. The odds are favorable that either you or your coworkers have/had an account with MySpace.…
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Today is the biggest Internet shopping day of the year in the United States, Cyber Monday. During this day you will be tempted to visit a plethora of online storefronts, hunting for the huge deal on your next TV, computer, article of clothing, etc. Here are a couple tips to remember to keep you safe on Cyber Monday: Secure Browsing. Many e-commerce websites use SSL (https:// in front of the web address instead of http://) to encrypt the transmission of sensitive data to and from their storefront. The reason for this is that if you are surfing on a public Wi-Fi or hotspot,…
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